Elections and Referendums


General Voting Day for the Crystal Pool Referendum was Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 

Victoria voters had the opportunity to vote on whether the City of Victoria may borrow up to $168.9 million to replace the Crystal Pool and to select a preferred site option: Central Park North or Central Park South.

Learn about the Crystal Pool Replacement Project

Official Results

2025 Crystal Pool Referendum Declaration of Official Results

Preliminary Results

The preliminary results for the Crystal Pool Referendum were tabulated from 10 voting places, advance voting opportunities, special voting opportunities and mail ballots.

Preliminary results are as follows:

9,115 (58.71%) voted Yes to being in favour of the City of Victoria adopting the Loan Authorization (Crystal Pool Replacement) Bylaw No. 24-054 to borrow up to $168,900,000, repayable over a term not exceeding 20 years, for the new Crystal Pool and Wellness Centre and to enter into agreements longer than five years for that purpose.

7,703 (60.57%) voted Central Park North as their preference for the location of the new Crystal Pool and Wellness Centre.

Total voter turnout for the Crystal Pool Referendum was 15,547 or 21.18% of registered voters.

City staff will prepare a report to Council for direction on next steps.

•    Preliminary Results - Crystal Pool Referendum Summary Report 
•    Preliminary Results - Crystal Pool Referendum Statement of Votes Cast 

Information for Voters

There were three ways to vote in the Crystal Pool Referendum: at an Advance Voting Opportunity, on General Voting Day or by mail ballot. Here's what you needed to know to vote. 

What You Needed to Know to Vote

The Province of B.C. has information about voter eligibility and voting in local elections.

General Elections

Local government elections are held every four years in BC.

The City of Victoria held an election on October 15, 2022. Following the election, the four-year office term commenced on Thursday, November 3, 2022.

Read the Inaugural Council Meeting Agenda and Watch the Webcast