Street vendors are an essential part of the unique character of Victoria’s downtown. They help enliven the City and provide a valuable service to residents and visitors.
Note: The food vending program along Government Street is closed to new applicants. In addition, the Lower Causeway is under the jurisdiction of the Greater Victoria Harbour Authority (GVHA). Contact the GVHA at 250.383.8300.
As part of the business licence approval process, a street vendor is required to go through a review of their proposed kiosk. The review process ensures that kiosks are compatible with the character of the commercial area.
The following criteria is provided to assist with the application process:
- applicants must find a suitable location for the vending cart/truck
- the site cannot be City of Victoria property
- applicants need written approval from the registered owner of the proposed private property and a letter from the lessee
- applicants must provide a detailed site plan showing the location the cart will be on the private property
- applicants must submit a Business Licence application; the application fee is $100
- no retail sales are permitted
Food vending carts need to be approved by Island Health (250.519.3401).
Please note that if a kiosk is using propane, applicants will need a Certificate of Inspection from Technical Safety BC (1.866.566.7233).