Council & Committee Meetings

Mayor and Council meet regularly, both as Council and Committee of the Whole. Meetings can be viewed on the City’s live stream below.

Meetings of Council

Once you find the meeting you’re looking for below, you will have access to the meeting agenda as a PDF or an HTML file under Upcoming Meetings. The HTML file contains links to the meeting reports. If the meeting has already occurred, you can view the archived video webcast and agendas under Past Meetings. If agendas for upcoming meetings are not yet available, you will see the message “There are no upcoming meetings”.

All meetings of Council are live streamed and archived. 

Browser Requirements

The minimum browser requirements to watch a live or archived webcast include the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari, and HTML5 to enable you to play videos.

Convening a Closed Meeting

During a live streamed Committee of the Whole Meeting, Council may convene for a closed portion of the meeting. When this occurs, the live stream video will not be available to view. The live stream video will be available once the public portion of the meeting has reconvened. Please check back, refresh your browser and press start to resume watching the live stream.

Council and Committee Meeting Schedules

Addressing Council

By resolution of the Victoria City Council, any individual or delegation wishing to address Council is permitted to do so, only where previous written application for such hearing has been made. Each speaker is required to submit a form or provide a letter clearly outlining the subject to be discussed and the action being requested of Council. 

Speakers or delegations are limited to a maximum of five minutes to present their material. Speakers may speak on more than one topic within the allotted five-minute period. Six speakers’ requests will be placed prior to the HEARINGS section of the Council meeting. Please come forward to the podium when your name is announced.

The Council bylaw states Council must not permit a delegation to address a meeting of the Council regarding:

  • a bylaw or permit in respect to which a public hearing has been held or has been scheduled for a future date
  • a bylaw or permit that is scheduled for consideration at a public hearing on the same Council agenda
  • the promotion of commercial goods or services.

You may submit a request to address council one of two ways.

  1. Online
    You may complete the request online by filling out a form.
  2. In Person
    See the Ambassador in City Hall Lobby who will contact staff in Legislative Services to assist with a hard copy to fill out by hand 

Complete and submit your request to address Council to Legislative Services by 11 a.m. on the Wednesday before the scheduled meeting. To ensure the Council receives your submission with their full agenda package, please submit it by 4:30 p.m. on the Monday two weeks before the Council meeting. Requests received after this time will be added to the Amended Agenda produced the Wednesday immediately prior to the Council meeting.