Submissions are now being accepted for the 2024 City of Victoria Butler Book Prize and the City of Victoria Children’s Book Prize. Each prize includes a $5,000 cash award.
The City of Victoria Butler Book Prize is awarded to a local author for the best book of fiction, literary non-fiction or poetry. Established in 2004, this prize is a partnership between the City and Brian Butler of Butler Brothers Supplies.
The City of Victoria Children’s Book Prize is awarded to an author or illustrator of literature for children or youth and is sponsored by the City.
Eligible book submissions for the 2024 prizes must have been published between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024, must not have been submitted previously and must be a new work, not a reissue or a revision of a previously published work. The deadline for submissions is Friday, May 24, 2024. Award recipients will be announced and celebrated at a gala event this fall.
The Victoria Book Prize Society is a volunteer-run not-for-profit organization that establishes the policy and criteria for the prizes, appoints the juries and administers the competitions. Two independent juries composed of representatives from the literary arts community review and assess submissions.
The Victoria Book Prize Society would like to thank and acknowledge the following organizations for their support: the City of Victoria, Brian Butler of Butler Brothers Supplies, the Union Club of British Columbia, the Magnolia Hotel and Spa, Chateau Victoria, Friesens Corporation, CBC Radio and the Greater Victoria Public Library.
For more information, including submission forms and guidelines, visit
Media Contacts:
Lynne Van Luven, President
Victoria Book Prize Society
778.677.1093 |
Colleen Mycroft
Manager, Intergovernmental and Media Relations
250.896.5325 |