The City’s cycling network provides comfortable and convenient routes to get around the City by bike or other active transportation devices.
Types of Cycling Facilities
. Cycling routes in the City include:
- Protected bike lanes: Routes on busy streets that are physically separated from traffic using concrete curbs, metal posts or other features.
- Multi-use pathways: Off-street trails that are shared with pedestrians.
- Shared-use streets: Quiet, slow streets where bikes share the road with vehicles. Shared-use streets include both neighbourhood bikeways (streets that prioritize bike travel) and advisory bike lanes (streets with bicycle-priority areas that vehicles can use to pass one another).
- Painted bike lanes: Bike lanes marked on the roadway with white paint.
- Shared bus & bike lanes: Dedicated bus lanes that are also permitted for use by cyclists.
All Ages and Abilities Bike Routes
Since 2016, the City of Victoria has prioritized building a network of bike routes that are comfortable for All Ages and Abilities (AAA). AAA bike routes increase safety, reduce serious traffic injuries and fatalities, improve access to key destinations and encourage a broader range of people to bike more often. With over 37 km of AAA bike routes already in place, the City continues to expand the network to improve access and convenience.
Ride Victoria's Cycling Network: Self-Guided AAA Bike Tours
To help residents and visitors get familiar with Victoria's expanding cycling network, the City has developed a series of self-guided tours that follow AAA routes through different neighbourhoods and to popular points of interest. These tours are available with in-app navigation via Komoot below, or you can pick up print versions at the Downtown Victoria Bike Valet.
If you would like additional support in finding safe, comfortable bike routes near you, email
Cycling Network Improvements
Improvements to the City's cycling network often take place as part of broader street upgrades that aim to improve safety for everyone. You can learn about upcoming street upgrades under Major Projects, or you can subscribe to the Go Victoria newsletter for regular updates.