
Subdividing is the process to create new lots (one or multiple) from one or more existing properties.  This process considers subdivision using the Land Title Act (typically called a “fee simple subdivision”) and also those created as Strata (subdivision using the Strata Property Act).  We are here to assist you with the process that involves the City’s Land Development section as a primary contact, and the City’s Approving Officer.  For Strata Tile considerations, see the section below.

Subdivision consideration includes:

  • The creation of 1 or more lots from an existing parcel of land
  • The creation of 1 or more Strata Lots (Building Strata or Bare Land Strata under the Strata Property Act)
  • The consolidation of properties involving separate owners 

To subdivide, the existing property zone must enable the size and area of land that is being proposed by the Subdivision.  Once the subdivision has occurred and is complete; the existing lot and new lot as created must comply with the City’s zone.  In some areas, the land must be considered for rezoning prior to subdivision, while in other areas of the City, the existing lot size (and zone) enable a direct consideration.  To enquire about “is your land suitable for subdivision”, you are encouraged to speak to our Zoning team at to help ensure compliance with the existing land use zone.   This is also the first step for the City’s approving Officer in receiving an application.  

Access considerations as well as servicing will be considered in the application.  

Please note that subdivision requires that all parcels considered be served by sanitary, water and drain as well as utilities at the expense of the developer, and that the City may ask for improvements to the City infrastructure to the center of the fronting street as a condition of subdivision.  Development cost charges will apply.

This process is separate from the process of rezoning, Development Permit and/or Building Permit, and requires an application be submitted complete with a Site Disclosure Statement.

In some instances, rezoning, and a Development Permit may be required to facilitate subdivision, then a Building Permit.

Subdividing Process

Your application to subdivide will be reviewed by various departments in the City who inform the City’s Approving Officer.  The land being considered must meet the zoning requirements to be eligible for subdivision and have enough land so that any new (and existing) lots meet the zoning requirements.  

Zoning Regulation Bylaw


The subdivision process involves an application, and communication between the City, the applicant and various departments so that works and services as associated with the subdivision can be identified to ensure that the land is appropriate served.  

The City’s Subdivision and Development Servicing bylaw provides direction to the city’s Approving Officer and applicants as to what may be anticipated as a requirement of subdivision.  All works necessary to subdivide land are at the cost of the developer / subdivider.  

Bylaw 12-042 – the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw.

The subdivision process involves charges for administration, and also payments for services, deposits and security to be provided to the City.  

Bylaw 12-042 – Fee Table

Servicing and fees related to Sanitary, Water and Drain services can be found through the Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Utilities Bylaw.

Bylaw 14-071

You are encouraged to speak to staff and we can be contacted through where we would be happy to discuss your project and your goals.  


Forms and Documents