The Major Community Initiatives and Events Grant (MCIEG) provides financial support for major community initiatives and events that align with the City of Victoria’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan objectives and priorities.
The MCIEG is intended to be used for events and/or initiatives that are not eligible for other City funding, included but not limited to the City's Festival Investment Grant Program, Cultural Infrastructure Grant Program or the Victoria Music Strategy Grant Program.
MCIEG funding provides support for major community celebrations, major destination event hosting, event sponsorships and community initiatives.
2024-25 Major Community Initiatives & Events Grant
The Major Community Initiatives and Events Grant program for 2024-25 is currently on hold and not accepting new applications until further notice.
The City funds up to 50 per cent of the total project expenses, up to a maximum of $250,000 per request. For major event applications, applicants may seek both cash grants and city service support (policing, safety, festival equipment, etc.).
Eligibility criteria include:
- Events must be accessible to the public and attract a significant number of people. Ticketed events can be considered eligible provided a significant public free component is included.
- Events must have a budget with more than $100,000 in direct cash expenditures with diverse revenue streams and a proven track record of successful large-scale projects completed; and
- Events must have significant economic or cultural impact on the community.
The purpose of the Major Community Initiatives and Events Grant (MCIEG) Program is to provide City of Victoria financial support for major community initiatives and events that align with the City’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan objectives and priorities, which are not covered by other City funding programs.
The new 2024/25 MCIEG pilot program is administered by the City Manager’s Office with advice to, and at the direction of, Mayor and Council in alignment with the Strategic Plan.
• The MCIEG is intended to be used for events and/or initiatives that are not eligible for other City funding, including but not limited to the City's Festival Investment Grant Program, Cultural Infrastructure Grant Program or the Victoria Music Strategy Grant Program.
• MCIEG funding aims to provide support for major community celebrations, major destination event hosting, event sponsorships and community initiatives.
The City of Victoria’s Cultural Policy guides decision-making on how we do our work. The City is strengthening its commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion by embedding these considerations into City policies, programs and practices through the mandate of the Equity Framework.
In keeping with our Cultural Policy Statement, the City is working to ensure that everyone has fair access to equitable benefits and outcomes by being able to participate fully in the creative life of the city, which is essential to an equitable, inclusive and human rights-oriented society.
Applicants must meet all the eligibility criteria listed below to have their application reviewed for funding under this grant program:
• Be registered as a not-for-profit society, not-for-profit cooperative, charitable organization, the Songhees Nation Council and the Xwsepsum Nation Council, or a registered Urban Indigenous not-for-profit organization, with an independent and active volunteer board of directors.
• Be in good standing under the BC Society Act.
• Preference for registered organizations (as per definition above) that have operated for five full years prior to application and provide financial statements signed by the Board for the most recent fiscal year.
• Be in good standing as per the terms and conditions of all previous City of Victoria grant funding, including submission of final reports; recipients of the MCIEG cannot apply for another City grant program in the same calendar year.
• Organizations that are in arrears with any local authority, are bankrupt, seeking creditor protection, are insolvent or under court supervision of any kind are not eligible to apply.
• Submit a complete application package including all required materials for staff review.
• Preference for one time, new and unique initiative or event. This can include major anniversaries, celebrations and commemorative events.
• Events must be accessible to the public and attract a significant number of people. Ticketed events can be considered eligible provided a significant public free component is included.
• Events must have a budget with more than $100,000 in direct cash expenditures with diverse revenue streams and a proven track record of successful large-scale projects completed.
• Events must have significant economic or cultural impact on the community.
Events and initiatives that are NOT eligible for funding under the program:
• Retroactive support
• Demonstrations, rallies or protests
• Consumer/trade shows
• Meetings
• Seminars
• Public lectures
• Fundraisers/fundraising events
• Professional training and development
• Educational initiatives
• Banquets
• Conferences
• Marketing initiatives
• Events held primarily outside City of Victoria boundaries
• Events and initiatives in receipt of funding from the Capital Regional District and other City grant programs
• The City will fund up to 50 per cent of the total project expenses up to a maximum of $250,000 per request.
• For major event applications, applicants may seek both cash grants and city service support (policing, safety and festival equipment). City services support will be determined by City staff with advice from the Special Event Technical Committee. Staff will provide a recommendation to Council for the anticipated resource impacts required to support the safe use of City owned space.
• For major community initiatives applications, applicants can apply for both operating and capital expenses. Applicants should review Council’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan for projects that align with civic and community goals. Other planning documents such as the Create Victoria Arts and Culture Master Plan, the Victoria Music Strategy and the Parks and Open Space Master Plan provide further context on prioritizing projects that have undergone extensive community engagement, research and analysis and have been endorsed by Council.
• Rolling intake: first come, first serve.
• Review guidelines to confirm eligibility.
• Download the application form from the City’s website at
• Contact City staff to discuss your project.
• Submit a completed application package along with all required supporting materials.
• Applications will be reviewed by staff for eligibility and completeness and forwarded to the City Manager. The City Manager will forward a report to Council without staff recommendations for Council decision. Upon receiving the completed application, the approval process for funding can take up to four weeks for a decision.
• There is no guarantee that applications will be successful. Any commitments are not final until it has been ratified at a Council meeting.
• Large-scale major events that provide a unique opportunity and significant benefits to the community. A key measurable will be that the event demonstrates a strong track record of other large scale unique events.
• Brings people to Victoria from outside the region increasing the economic benefits and extending visitor stays. A key measurable will be economic indicators such as hotel occupancy, pedestrian counts, and job creation.
• Year-round calendar of events to attract people to the core. Preference for events in the shoulder season taking place from October through April.
• Broad level of community support. A key measurable will be the number of partners, community collaborators, sponsors and volunteers.
• Raises Victoria’s profile provincially, nationally and internationally. A key measurable will be media coverage including earned and unearned advertising and promotions, web and social media statistics.
• Aligns with Council’s strategic priority areas and advances City-wide goals. A key measurable will be the number of strategic priority areas achieved.
• Successful applicants will receive 80 per cent of their grant within 30 days of Council approval. The remaining 20 per cent of grant funding will be provided after receipt of the final report.
• All grant recipients must submit a final report within 30 days of project completion. Required documentation includes a project report, photo documentation, financial statement listing actual revenue and expenses signed by Board representative. A report template will be provided to successful applicants as part of the grant confirmation package.
Applicants awarded a grant will be required to agree to terms and conditions including:
• The information provided in the project proposal, and related documents, is accurate and complete. Any significant change or any change in scope or deliverables of the project as presented in the application must be discussed and receive approval in writing from the Arts, Culture and Events Liaison in advance of implementation.
• Applicants are responsible for securing all required permits and approvals to meet all federal, provincial and municipal legislation, guidelines and bylaws. The award of grant funding may in no way be construed as providing for other City approval.
• Grant recipients must return any unused portion of City funding at the end of the Grant term (12 months from Council approval) unless an extension in writing has been obtained from the grant administrator.
• The City’s support must be acknowledged in all promotional or public materials related to funded activities, including all print and online media. Contact to request electronic copies of the City of Victoria’s logo and usage standards.
• Submission of a final report upon project completion, which includes project summary, photos, actual project budget signed by the board, and electronic copies of plans and studies commissioned as part of the project.
All documents submitted to the Major Community Initiatives and Events Grant Program become the property of the City of Victoria. The City will make every effort to maintain the confidentiality of each application and the information contained within, except to the extent necessary to communicate information to staff and assessment committee members for the purposes of evaluation and analysis. The City will not release any of this information to the public except as required under the Province of British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or other legal disclosure process.
PLEASE NOTE: Applicants are encouraged to discuss their project with staff prior to submission to ensure eligibility. Staff can help applicants with limited grant writing expertise or resources to reduce barriers and increase participation.
Jeff Day
Senior Cultural Planner
Arts, Culture and Events Division