Heritage Advisory Panel

The Heritage Advisory Panel's purpose is to advise Council on heritage matters referred to the Panel.


  1. To advise the Committee of the Whole on those heritage matters coming within the scope of the committee under the Local Government Act or that are referred to it by the Committee of the Whole (which is made up of City Council).
  2. To make recommendations to the Committee of the Whole respecting the designation of heritage buildings, structures and lands and the preservation, alteration, renovation or demolition of heritage buildings, structures or lands.
  3. To meet jointly with the Advisory Design Panel to review and provide recommendations to the Planning and Land Use Committee on development proposals referred to a joint meeting. 

Time Commitment

Heritage Advisory Panel members meet on the second Tuesday at noon of every month.


There are no specific qualifications required to sit on the Panel. 


The Heritage Advisory Panel is made up of 10 members appointed by City Council.  Members may serve a maximum of three consecutive 18-month terms (4.5 years) on the Panel.

Members of the Heritage Advisory Panel have been appointed for the following 2023/2024 term. 

  1. Alissa Wrean
  2. Deniz Unsal
  3. Genevieve hill
  4. Imogen Goldie
  5. Jim Kerr
  6. John Boehme
  7. Liberty Brears
  8. Lorenda Calvert
  9. Valerie Lindholme
  10. Veronica (Nikki) Strong-Boag

Meeting Schedule

2025 Meeting Schedule

Meetings of the Heritage Advisory panel are open to the public. Until further notice, meetings are hosted using Microsoft Teams software, which can be downloaded free of charge at the Microsoft website. For an invitation to an upcoming meeting, please contact developmentservices@victoria.ca 

The submission deadline for heritage applications to be on the next Heritage Advisory Panel agenda is the last Monday of the month prior to the scheduled HAPL meeting.