The Advisory Design Panel's purpose is to advise Council on the design merits of plans referred to the Panel.
The Advisory Design Panel provides advice to Council on the design merits of plans as part of a:
- rezoning application
- development permit
- special projects referred to the Panel by City Council
Time Commitment
Panel members meet once a month.
Members have training in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, engineering, land development or are an interested member of the general public.
Members of the Advisory Design Panel for the current term include:
- Joseph Gowid
- Julie Brown
- Katie McEvoy
- Kavita Srinivasan
- Kristina Zalite
- Marc Showers (Chair)
- Mark Hornell
- Nicholas Standeven
- Priscilla Samuel
- Tamara Bonnemaison
Meeting Schedule
Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held online and start at noon.
For detailed plans, please email